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A Bicycling Magazine/Harris Poll shows that nearly half the adult population rode a bike last year.

Total Cyclist:

99 Million


55 Million


44 Million

25 Million adults cycle at least once a week

Bicycling ranks as, the third largest participant sport behind exercise walking and swimming*

Active cyclists ( those who participate two or more times per week) out number golfers more than 2 - 1 and tennis players more than 4 - 1.**

There are more cyclist in the United States than skiers, golfers and tennis players combined*

Profile of the Cycling Enthusiast:

  • 57% are between the ages of 18 and 34
  • 63% are professionals or managers
  • 52% have household incomes of $40,000 or more
  • 54% are male and 46% are female
  • 75% have attended college; 52% have graduated
  • Health conscious and active

* source: National Sporting Goods Association
** source: Bicycle Market Research Institute